Wellness Series 2019-01-20



Wellness Series for 2019-01-20

$15++ Per Person Each Session | $40++ For All 3 Sessions


Relax and take time for your self! Start the New Year off with a jump start! This series will be taught by Lani Catherine, a wellness specialist. 


This is a 3 session event, with each session having it's own topic.

Session 1: Holistic Wellness

Explore the six parts of the "self" and discover what's working, what's not and most importantly, steps to feeling better.


Session 2: The Power of Why

Identify what is behind the actions you take and the choices you make. Awareness is the first step to mindfulness.


Session 3: Basics of Meditation

Have you wanted to have a meditation practice but were unsure how to begin? Try out various techniques in this session.



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