Epic Art BIG FACE 2023-06-27


Epic Art BIG FACE for 2023-06-27

Ages: 4- 6


Tuesday - Friday: 9a - 12p

Snacks provided

*5 day cancellation Policy to avoid charges*

We will learn how to create shape by constructing UP one of my favorite sculptures, BIG FACE! Big Face is an exciting hands-on 3D study of our human HEAD constructed on a wooden pedestal made with paper, aluminum foil, glue, clay, and color. I luv it!! We will also create a beautiful multi-layered, 2-dimensional CELESTIAL PAINTING on canvas! We will explore different paints, tools, and top it with a little G-L-O-W and space sparkle to light up their MOUNTAINOUS stargazing SILHOUETTE FIGURES at NIGHT.

- Mrs. Angela

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